Below is the information we require to include you as a paying "Artist" member of the Sudbury Arts Council with bio and pic on the SAC website and database (unless you indicate otherwise).  


Please send this information and attached photo in an e-mail to [email protected].  Payment can be made by Credit Card or PayPal by using the link on the home page and selecting the appropriate payment option.  You can also pay by cheque to SAC c/o AOE 168 Elgin Street, Sudbury, ON, P3E 3N5 $20.00 annually for individual Artist member or patron. Groups or Organizations are $35.00 annually and businesses $50.00 annually..


Information required to be sent my e-mail or regular mail.




E-Mail Address and  Phone:  -  Physical Address:


Primary Arts Activity(s)


Other:    Bio:  250 Words


Photo:  Of yourself or logo if a group (prefer JPEG image) - we will adjust to fit. 



Below is the information we require to include you as a paying "patron" or business member of the Sudbury Arts Council


Name (Individual or Business)


E-Mail address and Phone:




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