Opportunities to mentor young artists

Senior artists over the age of 60 are like artists under the age of 60. They’re concerned about getting work. According to Joysanne Sidimus of The Canadian Senior Artists’ Resource Network /Centre de ressources pour les artistes aînés du Canada, artists are concerned others may be prejudice against their gray hair or hearing aids. At the same time, granting agencies with middle-aged jurors tend to favour emerging artists (aka young).

The resource network known as CSCARN/CRAAC “was launched in 2011 by the arts and cultural community to assist professional artists to live out their senior years in dignity and respect,” according to the website which has information focused on the particular needs of senior professional artists. The network provides services to eligible senior artists, often in collaboration with other organizations. It is a bilingual organization.
In December the Sudbury Arts Council invited Sidimus to speak about a mentorship program which matches senior professional artists with young artists. This is a paid program. The next deadline for applications is June. All the information you need is at www.csarn-craac.ca/en/mentorship.php.
If you have any questions, contact CSCARN/CRAAC by email or by phone at 1.855-854.1434 or 647.854.1434.